Ant's World

Ant's subtitle

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Hello World!

The activity of skateboarding is circular, or looping, anyway, and defined largely by repetition. So there’s all kinds of movement and backtracking and also a great deal of lingering. And, throughout the experience, a skater is always watching. That could mean other skaters, or traffic, security, and whatever environmental factors are in play. So there’s the rhythm of the body plus the movements of space and time per the location itself. Which is to say there’s a lot going on there.

  1. ollie
  2. frontside 180
  3. shove-it
  4. manual
  5. pop shove-it
  6. kickflip
  7. heelflip
A black rectangular image container frames an image of an elderly Asian man with a white beard and circular, straw hat. White capital letters are laid out to the right spelling the words 'HAVE YOU SEEN HIM?'